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    LINE MOBILE 結果共6筆

  • LINE Pay soars 195% in market debut, hits NT$1030

    LINE Pay, a mobile payment provider, had a successful over-the-counter market debut in Taipei, with shares soaring 195% from the listing price of NT$348 to a record high of NT$1030. The company’s financial documents reveal a capital of NT$600 million and earnings per share of NT$8.04 in 2022. LINE Pay’s revenue for 2022 reached NT$3.62 billion, demonstrating consistent growth over the past four years. With over 500,000 payment locations and more than 7 million active users out of 12 million customers in Taiwan, LINE Pay predicts that its revenue will increase to NT$4.78 billion in 2023. Notably, nearly half of the population in Taiwan are LINE Pay users. In terms of revenue share in 2023, transaction fee income accounted for 83%, financial promotion collaborations for 12%, and marketing product sales for 5%, according to LINE Pay’s statement.
    2024/01/26 17:23
  • Taiwan probes LY Corp. over 440K users’ data leak

    Taiwan’s Minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, has announced that the cyber security breach at LY Corporation, the parent company of popular messaging app LINE, is currently under investigation by the National Development Council (NDC). The breach potentially exposed the personal data of approximately 440,000 users, including information from 100 Taiwanese accounts. The incident, which follows a hack on South Korean IT giant Naver, a major shareholder in LY Corporation, has prompted the ongoing investigation in Taiwan. The leaked data primarily includes names, affiliated institutions, and email addresses of LY Corporation’s employees and business partners, as well as potentially leaked ages, genders, and purchase histories for stickers. However, no users’ messages, bank account numbers, or credit card information were compromised. Taiwan’s Digital Ministry has requested relevant entities to provide information and report the breach in accordance with the law. The affected user data includes hashed mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and LINE account details. Whether sanctions will be imposed under Taiwan’s new Personal Data Protection Act will depend on the outcome of the NDC’s investigation. Minister Tang assured the public that messages sent between LINE users are end-to-end encrypted and the server does not store message content, indicating that no message content was compromised in this breach. She emphasized the importance of having servers located in Taiwan for apps like LINE, particularly for maintaining communications during disasters. Discussions are underway with various international messaging providers, including LINE and the Signal Foundation, regarding the potential establishment of servers in Taiwan.
    2023/11/29 16:09
  • LINE攜遠傳低價吃到飽 李彬:開拓新市場

    LINE日前攜遠傳推出不同速率吃到飽方案,月付299元起跳,再掀低價吃到飽風暴,遠傳總經理李彬今天說,LINE MOBILE的用戶以輕量級為主,與遠傳用戶不重疊,可開拓新市場。
    2018/05/04 19:07
  • LINE一站式電信服務 推月付299起吃到飽

    通訊軟體LINE今天與遠傳電信共同宣布,LINE MOBILE一站式電信服務將於4月24日上線,以不同傳輸速率推出月付新台幣299元、399元、499元等4G吃到飽資費方案,網內互打均免費。
    2018/04/23 14:20
  • LINE在台三大新投資 防災、選舉都關注

    LINE今天宣布今年在台投資計畫,包括與國家災害防救科技中心合作開發官方帳號,並預告「2018年選舉專案」,為候選人規劃宣傳,及在台展開LINE MOBILE和LINE FINANCE新服務。
    2018/03/09 14:35
  • LINE子公司攜手日本軟銀 攻虛擬行動網路

    通訊軟體LINE子公司LINE MOBILE與日本軟體銀行簽訂合作備忘錄,雙方將合組策略聯盟,共同拓展LINE MOBILE營運的虛擬行動網路(Mobile Virtual Network Operator,MVNO)事業。
    2018/02/01 11:19
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